
  • Roberto Alvarez


carbon sequestration, life cycle assessment, management practices


Soils can act as carbon sinks mitigating global warming. This generates interest in determining how agricultural practices affect the stock of soil organic carbon (SOC). Fertilization produces increases in SOC stocks and rates of SOC increases have been calculated at a global level. The aim of this study was to determine if fertilization leads to carbon sequestration in the Pampas of Argentina. A meta-analysis of local studies was performed to determine how fertilization impacts SOC stocks in agricultural soils. Forty studies were compiled presenting data from 27 experiments from which 109 comparisons of SOC stocks between fertilized and unfertilized treatments were extracted. Fertilization determined a significant increase of ca. 3% in the topsoil (0-20 cm) SOC stock. For the cases in which the rate of nutrients applied could be well defined (n= 71), the average increase in SOC stock was ca. 1 t ha-1. This increase was much smaller than increases in SOC stock reported in the literature and than the carbon footprint of the applied nutrients (2.31 t Ceq. ha-1). Even if the relative increase in SOC stock in the subsoil is like that measured in the topsoil, the greenhouse gas emission from fertilizer application would not be offset by the carbon sequestered in the soil. Fertilization is a practice that has low impact on SOC stocks and does not compensate GHG emissions in the Pampas. In this region, rates of SOC carbon increases due to fertilization determined in other regions of the world should not be applied.


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Como Citar

Alvarez, R. (2023). FERTILIZATION INCREASES SOIL ORGANIC CARBON STOCKS IN THE ARGENTINE PAMPAS BUT DO NOT MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE. Ciencia Del Suelo, 41(2), 238–260. Recuperado de https://ojs.suelos.org.ar/index.php/cds/article/view/808



Manejo y Conservación de Suelos y Aguas. Riego y Drenaje