
  • Fernando Avecilla INCITAP (CONICET-UNLPam)
  • Juan Esteban Panebianco INCITAP (CONICET-UNLPam)
  • Rocio Noelia Comas INCITAP (CONICET-UNLPam)
  • Laura Antonela Iturri
  • Laura Andrea de Oro
  • Daniel Eduardo Buschiazzo


wind erosion, dust deposition, Argentine semi-arid region, seasonal dynamics


The aim of this study was to assess the deposition rates (Td) of mineral aeolian sediments in a forest patch in the semiarid Pampas agroecosystem and to analyze the seasonal variability of such deposition. The average Td was 520.15 kg ha-1 year-1 with high interannual variability. In spring-summer, Td was higher than in autumn-winter. Air temperature and average maximum wind speed influenced Td more significantly. However, the soil cover and management of the agricultural fields surrounding the forest would determine the production of sediment from wind erosion and consequent deposition within the forest. These results show the importance of maintaining forest patches within the agricultural matrix in the semi-arid environment, since they retain eolian sediments that would eventually be deposited on the forest soil, minimizing the negative impacts of wind erosion processes on these ecosystems.


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How to Cite

Avecilla, F., Panebianco, J. E., Comas, R. N., Iturri, L. A., de Oro, L. A., & Buschiazzo, D. E. (2024). DEPOSITION OF AEOLIAN SEDIMENTS IN A FOREST PATCH IN THE SEMI-ARID PAMPAS AGROECOSYSTEM. Ciencia Del Suelo, 42(1), 91–102. Retrieved from



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