
  • Marcelo Jose Lopez de Sabando INTA Tandil
  • Juan María Erreguerena INTA
  • Ignacio Besteiro INTA
  • Kevin Alejandro Leaden INTA
  • Ulises Loizaga INTA
  • Martin Diaz-Zorita Facultad de agronomía, UNLPam, Ruta Nacional 35 km 334, (6300) Santa Rosa (La Pampa)


winter cereals, crop nutrition, no tillage, fertilization technology


In Argentina, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and recently sulfur (S) and zinc (Zn) are recognized nutrients that limit the production of winter cereals. Fertilization decisions are made considering individual nutrient contributions, ignoring the combined contribution of elements. The combined application of nutrients would improve the response to fertilization compared to the individual contribution of the elements. The objective was to quantify the contributions to the production of oat (Avena sativa L.), barley (Hordeun vulgare L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains from applying P, N, S, and Zn individually and their relationship with the combined use as NP and NPSZn. In 3 sites (Tandil, San Manuel and Lobería, Argentina) and in three crops (Wheat, Barley and Oats) fertilization experiments were carried out considering individual and combined contributions of P, N, S and Zn. Combined fertilization with P, N, S, and Zn showed yields greater than the individual effects of these nutrients in both wheat and barley. The yield increases attributed to the difference between combined fertilization over the sum of individual fertilization effects were 330 kg ha-1 in wheat and 352 kg ha-1 in barley. In oats, the available data do not allow determining differences. For the conditions evaluated in both wheat and barley, in the fertilization decision with P-N-S-Zn, combined fertilizations capture additional yield responses to what was achieved in the responses to individual nutrients.

Author Biography

Marcelo Jose Lopez de Sabando, INTA Tandil


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How to Cite

Lopez de Sabando, M. J., Erreguerena, J. M., Besteiro, I., Leaden, K. A., Loizaga, U., & Diaz-Zorita, M. (2023). COMBINED FERTILIZATION WITH N-P-S-Zn IN OATS, BARLEY AND WHEAT. Ciencia Del Suelo, 41(2), 180–192. Retrieved from



Fertilidad de Suelos y Nutrición Vegetal