pine bark, aereation porosity, water holding capacity, Ilex paraguariensisAbstract
The substrate is one of the main inputs for the production of Yerba Mate (YM) seedlings (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) and its properties must be adequate according to the cultivation system. The objective of this work was to analyze physical properties of substrates made with pine bark compost (CCP) and Sphagnum peat (T) and to evaluate their effects on the morphological quality of YM seedlings produced in alveolar plastic trays. The trial consisted of five treatments: 100% T; 75% T + 25% CCP; 50% T + 50% CCP; 25% T + 75% CCP and 100% CCP. The following variables were analyzed for each substrate: pH, electrical conductivity (EC), bulk density (Dap), total pore space (EPT), water retention capacity (CRA), aeration porosity (PA) and granulometry. Stem length and diameter, aerial dry mass (MSA) and root dry mass (MSR) were measured on 45 seedlings per treatment and the robustness index (IR) and Dickson quality index (ICD) were calculated. The statistical analyses used were principal component analysis, analysis of variance and Tukey's test (P < 0.05). All the substrates had pH and EC values within an adequate range (5.5 to 6.8 and < 1 dS m-1). The CRA increased and the PA decreased in response to increasing amounts of T, with significant differences among treatments (P < 0.0001). Seedlings grown under 75% T + 25% CCP, 50% T + 50% CCP and 25% T + 75% CCP had higher MSA while those under 100% T had lower MSR. The lowest IR was identified in seedlings under 25% T + 75% CCP and 100% CCP. The seedlings under 75% T + 25% CCP, 50% T + 50% CCP and 25% T + 75% CCP showed higher ICD. In conclusion, YM seedlings with the highest quality and robustness were obtained in substrates with EPT > 85%, CRA ≤ 55%, PA ≥ 35% and Dap ≤ 200 kg m-3.
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