
  • Ana Lilia Alurralde Facultad Cs Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca
  • Agustín Alesso Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias- UNL
  • Norberto Gariglio ICiAgro Litoral- UNL - Conicet- FCA
  • Silvia Imhoff ICiAgro Litoral- UNL - Conicet- FCA


Olea europaea, organic fertilization, recycling, fertility


The olive industry generates a large amount of residues with a negative impact on the environment. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of the olive mill waste compost and compost tea on the olive crop, and its method of application. The experiments were done in the Poman’s Departament, Catamarca province, Argentina, for four years. Treatments were the application of solid olive mill waste compost (AS) to the soil, or foliar treatments of a tea compost (AL) obtained from AS, and the control (C). These treatments were applied in an irrigated plot and in a fertigated plot with AL. It was evaluated the current shoot growth, NPK foliar content, and the number, size and number of fruits per plant. The data was analyzed with a mix hierachied model, with years as random blocks and the factors "Batch and fertilization type, AS fixed effects. This last one, was nested into an interaction watering:Year.  AS and AL application improved the foliar N content (+17,3 and 24,8%, respectively), whereas the P foliar concentration was increased by 30,0% in the irrigated plot. The current shoot growth was increases up to 56,2% by AL treatment in the irrigated plot, whereas fruit yield increased in response to AL fertigation (68,2 to 83,8%), according to the additional organic manure treatment.


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How to Cite

Alurralde, A. L., Alesso, A., Gariglio, N. ., & Imhoff, S. (2023). RESPONSE OF THE OLIVE, CV. ‘ARBEQUINA’, TO THE APPLICATION OF COMPOST AND COMPOST TEA OF OLIVE MILL WASTE. Ciencia Del Suelo, 41(1). Retrieved from



Fertilidad de Suelos y Nutrición Vegetal