

micorrhizae, leaf spot, soil


Disease in plants as a major limiting factor in agricultural production. In rice culture, it contributes to the reduction of production and grain quality, such as glumela stain caused by Curvularia lunata. As forms of control available to this pathogen, are being of high cost to most producers. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can help as plants tolerate pathogen attacks and resistance mechanisms. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the control of C. lunata in the rice culture inoculated with AMF, as well as its benefits in growth and factors of production. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with a completely randomized experimental design considering the treatments: T1 – Witness; T2 – Rhizophagus clarus; T3 – Claroideoglomus etunicatum; T4 – Gigaspora margarita; T5 – R. clarus + C. etunicatum; T6 – C. etunicatum + G. margarita; T7 – R. clarus + G. margarita and T8 – R. clarus + C. etunicatum + G. margarita. The parameters evaluated were disease severity, height of the aerial part (HAP), dry plant shoot mass (DSPM), grain quantity (full and dry grain), panicle length and mycorrhizal colonization. The DSPM only the T2 and T5 differed from the control and presented higher averages. For the factors of production, all parameters were significant, except for full grains. The AMF present potential in the control of C. lunata, but complementary research is needed on the mechanism of action of the pathogen, AMF and the host plant.


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Barbosa Vieira, L. C., Costa Rodrigues, A. A., Cândido e Silva, E. K., Pinheiro Nobre, C., de Oliveira Nascimento, I., de Mattos Salgado Mochel, G., & Lima Cunha, W. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L.) INFECTED WITH CURVULARIA LUNATA. Ciencia Del Suelo, 41(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.suelos.org.ar/index.php/cds/article/view/732



Biología del Suelo