Organic matter, agroindustrial residues, biotransformation, southwest of Buenos Aires ProvinceAbstract
The biotransformation of agro-industrial organic residues, such as sunflower hulls (Helianthus annuus L.) (CG), can modify its chemical properties and thus favor its use as amendments. The objective of this work is to characterize chemically and spectrometrically the CG subjected to different transformations and to evaluate the effect of its application on the soil and the production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). A trial was carried out in pots under controlled conditions of humidity and temperature for 55 days. Different transformations of the CG (composting, use of lignocellulite fungi and mixture with urea) and without modification were evaluated. At each CG treatment, organic matter, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH, electrical conductivity were determined and they were characterized by the UV-vis technique from their humic substances. Different doses of the treatments were established according to their amount of organic nitrogen (N) equivalent to: 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha-1. Increases in the dry matter (DM) production of wheat were observed with the application of composted CG in relation to the control, while in the remaining treatments the DM production was not modified or decreased. The effect on DM production clearly responded to differences in quality between treatments, mainly associated with the C:N ratio. The composted CG presented the lowest C:N (22), being the treatment with the highest production of wheat dry matter. A threshold C:N ratio of 38 was established, where lower ratios favor mineralization and higher immobilization. The biotransformation modified the chemical properties of the original material, reducing the C:N ratio and increasing the E2/E4, E4/E6 and E2/E6 ratios. The UV Vis technique provided useful complementary information.
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